US – QNu Labs


Tropos - Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG)

Root of trust giving the perfect random numbers

QNu' Tropos (QRNG) does not rely on mathematical algorithms; it generates random numbers from a quantum source, making it suitable for all applications.

True Random Numbers Assured

Tropos-QRNG generates truly random numbers using the principles of quantum mechanics. Randomness is a property of quantum physics validated by theoretical and experimental research.

Traditional random number generators use predictable inputs making them deterministic. These inputs have a tendency to repeat. The unpredictability of output is lost making these systems vulnerable to hacks.

QRNG is a sophisticated engineering innovation that involves complex deep-technologies working in tandem to create true randomess.

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QRNG Equals Unmatched Randomness

The source of light for QRNG is a laser beam. It produces photons that naturally exhibit quantum properties.

When photons hit a semi-transparent mirror, the photon will either transmit through the mirror or reflect off the mirror. The original photon will be in a superposition state of ‘transmit’ and ‘reflect’.

The mirror acts as a point of measurement. Upon hitting the mirror, the superposition state of the photon collapses in one of the two possible end states. The state after collapse is inherently random; there isn’t any way of predicting the state of the photon. The randomness cannot be influenced by external parameters.


Access QRNG With Tropos

Tropos-QRNG encompasses the process mentioned above and more. To ensure the highest quality of photons are delivered and any possibility of errors is removed, Tropos advances the technology further.

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